香港被中國併吞已有兩年多,可是大多數的台灣人還以為是 99
「展拓香港界址專條」租借新界至1997年到期滿清欽定香港、九龍、新界地圖 (見拙作「台灣法理獨立」第15頁。
大英商船遠路涉洋往往有損壞須修補者自應給予沿海一處 以便修船及存守所用物料今大皇帝准將香港一島給予大英君主暨嗣後世襲王位者常遠據守主掌任便立法治理道光22年7月24日1千8百42年8月29日
展拓香港界址專條 (有關新界之租借要點)
Non-self-Governing Territories on which Members had transmitted or
undertaken to transmit information under Article 73 e of the Charter
were enumerated in a resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 14
December 1946. These Territories, as enumerated, numbered seventy four.”
Article 73b “to develop self government to take
due account of the political aspirations of the peoples, and to assist
them in the progressive development of their free political
institutions, according to the particular circumstances of each
territory and its peoples and their varying stages of advancement.”
Resolution 2908 of November 2, 1972 “Reaffirms its
resolution 1514 (xv) and 2621 (xxv) and all other resolutions on
decolonization” “Request The Special Committee to continue to pay
particular attention to the small Territories and to recommend to the
General Assembly the most appropriate methods and also the steps to be
taken to enable the populations of those Territories to exercise fully
and without further delay their right to self-determination and
聯合國年鑑1972 (議決香港歸中國之記載)
“With the adoption of resolution
2908(XXVII) on 2 November 1972, the General Assembly among other things
approved the report of the Special Committee, which contained a
recommendation that Hong Kong and Macao and dependencies be excluded
from the list of territories to which the Declaration on the granting of
independence was applicable,”
“The Special Committee adopted a
recommendation, embodied in its report to the General Assembly, that
Hong Kong and Macao and dependencies be excluded from the list of
territories to which the Declaration on the granting of independence was
applicable. The decision was taken without objection. It being
understood that the reservation expressed by Fiji, Sweden and Venezuela
would be reflected in the record of the meeting. The Committee adopted
its recommendation on the basis of a proposal by its Working Group,
which had received a letter dated 8 March 1972 from China stating that
Hong Kong and Macao were part of Chinese territory occupied by the
British and Portuguese authorities. The settlement of the question
involved, the letter had stated, was entirely within China’s sovereign
right. Consequently, they should not be included in a list of colonial
territories covered by the Declaration on the granting independence.
China requested that they be removed from that list.”
on 14 December 1972, the United kingdom informed the Secretary General
that in view of the Assembly’s approval of the report of the Special
Committee, no useful purpose would be served by continuing to transmit
information on Hong Kong under Article 73e of the Charter. The United
Kingdom also stated that the action of the General Assembly in no way
affected the legal status of Hong Kong. Its views on that status were
well known and it was unable to accept any differing views which had
been or might be expressed by other Governments.”
英國於12月14日致函聯合國祕書長,抗議聯合國大會把香港決議為中國領土,並聲明此項決議無效,不影響香港是英國領土的法律地位。可是乞丐唸破粿,無人理會,法律上香港已被認定為中國領土,不再是英國的了。 (原書封面見下圖)